Getting started

Desikit publishes all its packages on the Github package registry (GPR). You'll need to use this registry to consume Desikit packages.

Authenticating the registry

First, you'll need to authenticate the registry with your Github account in the @desicahq organization. You'll need to authenticate with a personal access token, which you can create here. Make sure to write this down, but treat it as you would a password. Now run this command, and enter your token into the password field.

npm login --scope=@desicahq --registry=

Creating with starter

Make sure to fill out the NPM_RC variable as shown below.

Deploy with Vercel

When deploying the starter fill in the NPM_RC wnvironment variable, where TOKEN_FOR_GITHUB is the personal access token you just generated. Never commit a .npmrc file to source control.


Creating manually